Holman is going places! And YOU are invited to be a part.
The Holman leadership team has partnered with Clarivol to bring you an unique development opportunity - a personalized Life Strategy Session (LSS). This opportunity is gifted to you by Holman as part of our Core Ideology - the values and standards of behavior that guide what we do and how we do it. We help each other to be better.
Each Life Strategy Session (LSS) is:
- One-on-one between you and your Clarivol Guide.
- Completed in one day.
- Held over Zoom.
The LSS is designed to help you discover and know WHO YOU ARE, WHAT YOU'RE REALLY GOOD AT, AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT.
A trained Clarivol Guide will facilitate the conversation and the process; you alone determine the outcome and application of your learnings. The LSS is:
Nothing will be shared with Holman or others. You choose who and what you tell about your LSS.
The LSS is a benefit from Holman in addition to being paid for a day of work!
The LSS will help you live your best life.
Dates available for the LSS are on a first-come, first-served basis. Once you sign up, check your email for more information and next steps including 1-1.5 hours of prep work.
Want to know more? Listen to your co-workers' recent experiences with the LSS process:
How can I find the time to do the LSS?
How can I possibly talk for 8 hours?
Am I too old for this?
Do I need this if my life is ok?
Will this affect my PTO?
Will this help me?
What if I don't have a computer?
Do I need a Zoom account?
Does Clarivol have Spanish speaking LSS facilitators?
¿Tienen facilitadores disponibles que hablan español?
Can Clarivol accomodate second shift?
Can I do my LSS over two half days vs. one full day?